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How the club works: Sign-up system and open for all players


After paying for club entry fees:


  1.  If there is empty table, you can just ask any other players sitting outside the playing area to play with you. Each table will have 20 minutes of practicing, or play games best out of 5. 

  2.  When there are no empty tables, there will be black boards on the posts across the waiting area. On the black boards, there will be numbers corresponding to the table numbers, pick a table you want to play and put your name under that number on the board. You MUST let the table that you signed up for know that you are waiting. After they finish playing, the winner will stay and loser will switch out to the next player on the board

  3. Player does not need to be a club's member to be play each night.

  4. If no one is waiting on your table, you can do what you want!

  5. Only warm up for 4-5 minutes then start the game if someone is waiting on your table.

  6. You must check the board for next players after every game.

  7. You can practice on an empty table while waiting your turn, but do not practice on table 1-6.

  8. Instead of playing a game, you can practice for 20 minutes but you must write the start time on the board.

  9. When you put your name on the table, let them know you are waiting! If not, they will practice forever!

  10. Please cross out your name before you go to the table. Thank you so much.

  11. If winner of the table does not want to play with the next player in queue, winner must step out of the table and giving their place to the next player in queue.

  12. If you wish to play doubles, find a partner!

  13. ONLY IF REQUESTED: 3 consecutive wins player must step down and allow the next 2 people on the board to play.

  14. Games are play to 11 points and best out of 5.

What to bring


  • Racket

  • Balls

  • Non-Spiked Shoes Only

  • Beginner rackets are available to rent at $2 each night

Club Rules of the Central Florida Table Tennis Club An Affiliated Of the USATT

In an effort to provide a more pleasant, professional and inviting atmosphere, we have established the flowing rules for all members and guests:


  • Sportsmanship:

Win and lose like a champion. Respect your opponent, no booing, malicious taunting, profane language/gestures, bad mouthing, throwing objects, tantrums, refusing to shake hands, etc. Hostile behavior or bad attitude towards ANY individuals will not be tolerated.



  1. Round Robin: player must step down after winning/playing three consecutive matches.

  2. You can only be either playing on a table or signing up for a table, NOT both. No ‘Jumping’ tables. Warm-up can be done on a non-occupy table except table 1-7.



  1. Clean up / pick up after yourself when you leave.

  2. If you are waiting for your ball from another table, please let that play out the point before asking for the ball. DO NOT DISTURB THEIR RALLY.

  3. Return balls to other tables in a respectful manner.



  1. Refrain from any malicious / unsafe behavior.

  2. Please notify club officials of any unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions / behavior / equipment.

  3. Please wear proper athletic shoes and clothing to avoid slips / falls / injuries. NO black soled shoes.

  4. Minimize walking behind players while ball is in play.

  5. Notify the coach and club officials of any physical disability, limitation or ailment that may affect the safety of participant.

  6. Exercise common sense in helping maintain a safe environment.





  1. Pay your admission fee as you enter / before you play

  2. Abide by the request of Club Officials.



  1. The club ball is an approved orange or white 3-star ball per USATT club affiliate rules (practice balls may be a 2-star orange).

  2. Advice to fellow players is acceptable so long as it does not conflict with the Club coach’s ongoing efforts with a student.

  3. Any other issues/rules regarding proper conduct, type of equipment, color of balls/clothing etc., which is not specifically addressed above can be found in the official rules at The club president/vice president reserves the right to amend such rules (club rules) and decide on any rule of the USATT which conflicts with the above rules.

I/ my child/children, hereby agree to abide by the above rules. I/we understand that failing to abide by the above rules may result in me/my child/children being asked to leave the premises/club by club officials/facilitator being denied future access. I further understand that I have the right to appeal the decision with the Club President/ Vice president at a future date, and that habitual/serious violations may result in a permanent ban from the club/premises and a forfeiture of admission fees and club memberships.

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